Monday, December 14, 2020

Salt Water

 Yesterday was a poem writing weather day

 Counting deaths and getting in trouble

Dressing for work I put those words away

Later I just want to breathe, my friend

Erasing every letter to not send 

I'm running and it's so cold

Where did I go today? 

Whose face is this?

Feeling I'm not trying hard enough

Just giving in to stay so cloudy

Out on the water away into the air

Wishing I'd go disappear

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Wish for Slow Time

Death comes wearing blue scrubs
To say the ambulance
Will take you to hospice
Around 4:30
What did you say?
At 4:30
They are coming
To take you to hospice
I'm going to hospice
So that means I'm dying
This is the end

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Tough Love

Sometimes the moon does go black
Clouds come so thick
It will never come back
That is how you are
You are dead to me

Maybe this is too harsh
So many second chances
Manipulated by a compulsive liar
Was there ever really hope
So many steps trip me

Part of me would like to
Go back in my life and erase
Everything that I ever
Wrote about you back then
But I thought it was real

It was just my imagination
But, boy, so much potential
Time crinkled that ideal up  
All of you we recognize today
Is how you duped us 

Your mom is dead and gone
Think this time might be best
Go dig yourself a deep hole
Crawl in and bury yourself
Spare us all the crying at your coffin

Pandemic Psychedelic Running Poem

It’s hot and summertime
No, wait, it’s only May
Not even summertime
Too many vehicles whizzing by
During this pandemic

I’m rolling easy to go so far
with harmonium and Kirtan beats
Trying to find the words to this poem
In the seeds on the grass
In the heat in the sky  

A voice and a ditch can throw you down
Leave you coming up covered in mud
Leeches and ticks don’t care
Sweat is the potion that separates
Then reconstitutes you
With everything that ever did breathe

Or didn’t or couldn’t
Or tried or lived and died
Dumped on top of the manure mulch pile
As tall as Paul Bunyan
Sitting there stinking and choking me

Finding these words in the runner's high 
Close to home my pace slowed
Too many trucks were pissing me off
It’s hot and only May
Not even summer, yet