The taste of your sweat is cold like a waterfall
Each time I remember licking it
I feel too much pain deep in my chest
It pulls from my throat to the place the air settles
When I force myself to breathe
It’s stuck there like the flavor of butter rum
Out of sight beyond my touch like a memory
I will never watch again as it fades there
A dirty shadow on a cold wall I can’t wash clean
When you tempt me with questioning
I hold my breath and begin to believe
The candy will soon grace my lips
I can’t read your mind and my low esteem
Puts me under the coal and I don’t trust you
Don’t trust me to keep the wall intact
Letting it crumble to the grass every time
I lay there like a war blown rubble of bricks
A heap of hot longing
Waiting for the dreams to replace the thoughts
And the stars to mix me back together
So I can work and move like I’ve forgotten you