Thursday, January 13, 2022

Deer Hunting

Driving the car how do I run away

Through that empty field to the edge

Of nowhere filled with no one

Before I fall down begging for strangling  

Arms of the entity daring and bold 

Who is unafraid to hold me down hard 

Shutting me off erased with no pain to any

Jarring me loose from my stupid dabbling 

Lost in romantic idealist dreaming

No one ever really lied to me, quit crying

You’ve read song writers studying philosophy 

What scholars repeat in memorable lines

Young and naïve able to face anything

Wasn’t easy; it would be so hard this hard

Cheap life like Russian roulette in Saigon

Bloodied foam and rocks on every shore 

Scattered bones and skulls and lost letters 

Black mamba killing children in the cane 

Since the beginning of human cohabitation 

By chance or design we were made man 

Not crepuscular prey on twilight’s horizon

When I touch you I love you

Even when I hear you yell as I press 

With four sharp fingers your bleeding vessels 

to the blade of your pelvic bone

I do it from natural call to duty

Virtue makes me guilty privileged and trite

Please don’t let children see my mess

Lock this nonsense in the basement 

With stale hay and old urine and spit

With the imaginary weak and pathetic

Rise awake to reality clear eyed and focused

Determined to be immune

Doing what is necessary to spread 

Remaining Hopeful for the day