Monday, February 21, 2022

Borders and Feather Earrings

When my father-in-law passed

He said it’s freeing in a sense 

found the black and yellow 

Feathers on the ground

And at that moment I knew

I was connected by the invisible 

Threads of all of time and space 

All the minds electricities of 

Every sentient being past present and future 

It was calm like the gather of 

Bees collecting pollen when the garden is purple 

That was years ago

I squint my eyes watching the road out the window

Where did that content go

The content of the unknown 

Always her hand on my elbow as 

She leans on her staff

Humming the drone of 

Infant days on my mother’s chest 

With her heartbeat and her ribs 

And the smell of a summer rose

It’s kinky


Missing a piece of the puzzle 

Taken up by the vacuum off the carpet under the table

I want your face near my hands 

My nose only minute distance from your changing beard

Its black today with a crisp line near your throat

Our skin soft and wet

Like the lumbar curve under the 

Horse’s saddle, sweaty after a 

Long ride through the woods and 

Among the cattle with their young

Freeing in a sense

A release from the real world

Always I’ll come back to that 

Through the spaces between

The fence rows 

Sunday, February 13, 2022

A Child’s Dresser

Today we threw out a bureau 

A whale carcass taking up space

Drawers never functioning in our decades 

After third hand ancestral retrieval

Responsible for compounding frustrations

Kicked and slammed still unable to shut properly

Making a mess of splinters buried in the carpet 

Or on the hard wood floor waiting to snag 

Any tender prey underfoot

Such a shame thin wood boxes

Doved together smooth and seductive

Regretting to make waste of valuable fuel 

Of past wars’ sieges

Ours feels so trivial

Friday, February 11, 2022

Digital Grace

Everything is digital now

Clean and sanitized hands off and visually smooth

Easier now, no need for executive paper

Nor to lug around a slide carousel 

That is why my heart drops now below my diaphragm 

When I recall your fullness in my mouth

Nothing digital remains of these moments 

No dirty footprints left on the mat

I’m hastily stapling the memories to the bulletin board 

In the selfish corner of my mind

How many more of these thoughts will pull at my toes 

While I watch a movie lying unsuspecting on the rug

Burn on my lips tasting hot oatmeal fresh from the microwave 

Or trick my brain into feeling your postcoital perspiration 

As I finger the condensation on the seltzer can

What else is haunting quietly 

Only to surface and perpetuate relinquished longing

Car Rider

Listening to piano chords to torture myself

Mourning a loss of something nothing

Yet I can’t turn my ears away 

Repeating again the new piece

Purposely chosen for my ride home 

By the gods ruling over my music system

The very moment my son closed the car door 

Turning away to walk through the winter grass to the school

Easily as that without a goodbye 

Had I not spoken first 

He turned away shutting out one life and motivated in the other

With pain and envy I took a notice

I was unable to even cry no more than a few ticks on the watch 

Sobs remained dry without tears

It’s better this way to squeeze out every drop of feeling to only feel numb

Which is not really numb

Instead real pain like mud and algae at the bottom of a shallow dark pond 

Where my foot finds broken glass or bottle tops

Thursday, February 10, 2022

My Deer Family

My eyes caught them into focus

Seven deer standing in the glen

Where the soybeans grew

At once, the comfort 

Of Great Lights pinched my heart

I asked for them to be there

Which they obeyed

My cherished family of deer

Appearing always when I’m most Yearning the recovering love

Of the Great Lights

The longer I pierced the air

The clearer they became 

And I counted again seven

Standing in the cut beans at dusk

Looking at me, for I was still here


I laid the white bellied fish down
With my whole hand 
On the canvas covered table 
Under the cold light 
And the harsh shadows 
From the branches over my lonely head
Making a precise slice like the sharp
Line of a fresh hard pencil on thick paper
Letting the water run through the hose
As we made the necessary extraction
Hot blood flooded over my entirety
As I accepted this harsh turn
This stop sign the locomotive 
As I looked up and collided
Won’t know until I awaken, 
Wash my face, sweep the floor
Have I slid safely under the cars
Or been completely obliterated 
Never never never
Never never never never never
As there is rock in the soil
And an uprooted evergreen still grows
The mountain goat is steady on the face
While the bald eagle 
Makes a rare appearance
Cover these shoulders and these eyes 
With the long blast of the shower
Comforted only by the slow 
Dying stink bug on the window pane
As this page becomes wet
Streaked with ink stains

Sunday, February 6, 2022

Monarchs in Winter

Watching a childhood friend die

The one you first met as a new infant

All the memories of your personal Guru

Wash over your entire perception 

Everything that ever changed

Becomes connected within the network

Of roots beneath your present feet

And the monarch butterflies covering

All the trees of your past lives

It is one what was once many and unknown

Too difficult to capture at once

Is a purple wash with orange pulsations 

In the tune of the heartbeat

Of a sunburst behind your eyelids

Hot from tears of a sticky reminder

We are all mortal once each instance

Returning to the oak reborn

Haunting our lovers’ dreams

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

February 1

I walked into the wood a bit

To lose you off my mind

Too much stirring in the way

Of meaningful tasks must be done

Darkening my demeanor 

Continuing a longing for torture

And pain off logistic’s flow of stream

Red ferns were all I found

And clear songs of morning birds

Somewhat satisfied I left the wood

My fur boots covered in burrs